Thursday, August 21, 2008

Henry Doorly Zoo

Best I can tell, Liz and Teresa tied at "Where You Stand" and Teresa won f.11. Sorry things haven't been running the smoothest, I'll start running things better after I get settled into my new place in Lincoln.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Los Retratos

For those of you who don't "habla espanol," los retratos is Spanish for (pause) the retratos!

and for those who haven't seen the el nino Chris Farley skit, disregard that whole sentence. Retrato means portrait.

I went to the Mason City Civil War Re-Enactment this weekend and had to produce a 3-5 minutes afterwards. I couldn't work overtime and my video camera had 20 minutes of juice because earlier in the week someone borrowed my charger without mentioning it. So that was fun. To make up for the lack of B-roll I could shoot I decided to shoot lots of portraits and details of the soldiers and then photoshop them to look like they were shot 150 years ago. So here are the best portraits from Saturday. You can see the video here:

It has some techincal difficulties and goes on a bit too long, but it's not bad.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Three Young Ladies

This is a photo of Courtney Ned as she performed her dance routine for the Miss Black OSU 2008. She was crowned not long after this performance.

This photo was taken at a Hispanic dance performance. The young lady was wating her turn to dance I just happend to catch her relaxing between the colums. I considered croping closer to her face but felt it was a more complete shot showing her entire costume.

The final young lady is my two year old neice playing with bubbles at the local fair where she got her face painted.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Should have tried shooting at this aperture before dusk, but oh well.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

My foot!

It's hard to get a sharp picture while running. I'm hoping to run the Omaha Half-Marathon in September. I need to step up the training, but I think I can do it.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Just to let you know...

Going back through the comments on the previous posts, I figure last week's "Postcards From" winner came to a tie between Brad and Teresa. Congrats. I'll keep a log of who wins and try to get a prize pack by the end of the year.