Thursday, August 14, 2008


Should have tried shooting at this aperture before dusk, but oh well.


Erik Lockhart said...

Oh!! I like the first frame quite a lot! The texture of the wet sidewalk really does it for me. I actually enjoy shooting at dusk, I tend to like slightly underexposed images, a fact Liz will certainly agree with ;), and the lighting is certainly conducive for that.

Also, thanks for keeping the posts alive here. I recently discontinued my Internet service for an upcoming move and have been to lazy to upload my photos elsewhere. Heh

MikeMan said...

I like these, particularly the second and third one. I'm not as much a fan of underexposed. I'm a big sharp contrast kinda guy, but these're great. They feel a bit mushy (which is a weird not quite soft but not quite sharp look) to me because of the lighting, I think a 100%, 6, 10 setting unsharp mask would really draw out your shadows and sidewalk.

I like the texture, good aperture choice, adds fun layers and context.