Thursday, July 17, 2008

Erik Lockhart: Shadows

A self-portrait, a Liz portrait, and a bee portrait. I thought about using shots I had that utilized shadows as the main subject, but ultimately decided on these photos in which the shadows enhance the subject.

With this being my first post I'd like to give thanks to Clay for inviting me to this blog on the sole recommendation of Lizzy, why you'd listen to her, I don't know... ;) Anyways, I hope I'll be able to learn from this ISO experience and look forward to all of the great photos ahead of us.


Clay Lomneth said...

I like that one of Liz, where's that at? I'm not really feeling the bee one, I can't tell if it's because of the crop or what. Interesting self portrait too. Nice first entries, and welcome.

Erik Lockhart said...

The one of Liz was taken at Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, TN. The room she's in is a hallway/tunnel on the face of the mountain. The room is great for shooting because the outside wall is lined with a rainbow of stained glass windows.
Ya know, I was trying something a little different with the crop on the bee shot. I basically chose the bee because I knew I wanted the first two shots and I saw the colors go from cool to warm, and I decided I wanted the third to contain some bright colors.

Thanks for the welcome, Clay.

Unknown said...

I'm looking forward to seeing more of your stuff in the future.

cvk said...

*first shot: the first shot is by far the best. I think that it fits the category as one of the best shots of the week. i can really feel the subject lurking in the shadows. great shot.

*the second shot is good as well. The light on the subjects face is great. wonderful location. I don't know if it fits into the shadows category as well as your first on though.

*I believe that the third photo is too literal with the shadow subject. Although the bee was a nice find, I don't feel that this photos fits well with your others.