Monday, July 28, 2008


I'm in motion this week as I flit between three cities (St. Louis, Mason City, Omaha) with cars and vans full of all my stuff. Here's a shot from the last feature hunting I did for the Post-Dispatch. I met the Dickson family while driving through mid-town St. Louis. The adults had a loud conversation on the porch steps while the kids jumped rope, did flips and ran races across the yard. They were fun.


Clay Lomneth said...

I saw this image on your blog and loved it. Nice colors. Nice moment. I like the kid's posture on the left. The only thing that does bother me is the crop on the right side, chopping off that girl's head.

Clay Lomneth said...

P.S. What's it look like in black and white?

Erik Lockhart said...

This photo really speaks to me. All of the care-free smiling, playing kids in the sunny foreground with the adults relaxing, chatting in the shaded background. I love the colors too.

Erik Lockhart said...

Add: I think I'll have to vote for this as my favorite of the week.

Teresa Prince said...

I feel weird voting for myself, but this is the new opener to my portfolio so I'm picking this one as a winner too.