Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Teresa Prince - In the Shadows

I'm not sure this qualifies for the shootout. I shot these photos two weeks ago, but the story didn't run until last Friday. I'm not sure what the rules are for the shootout. I didn't have much time to shoot this week as I made an impromtu trip to Mason City, IA to interview for a job, I got it! Then I traveled to Bloomington, IL for my cousin's wedding. So this is the best contest entry you're going to get.

In St. Charles, Mo. a pastor's wife named Pat Merold decided that domestic abuse should not be shoved under the rug anymore. Some clergy have a tendency to tell women to work at being better wives and to avoid divorce because marriage is sacred. Merold and her husband deal with the issue differently. They started the Step Up program which gives battered women and their families a safe place to live and helps them find jobs and cars. It's a great program and the women I met who used their services were so grateful. They are away from the abuse and leading new lives thanks to Pat.

"They show the true meaning of Jesus, that's for sure," says a woman who left her husband years ago after he almost choked her son.

"I just love this place, and I can never repay them," another woman said.


Clay Lomneth said...

I like your interpretation. I just wish I could see the woman's smile in the top one. Or was the idea to keep their identities somewhat private? Either way, good job looking at theme differently.

Teresa Prince said...

yeah I was supposed to make them unrecognizable but still tell the story.

cvk said...

Congrats on the new job! I am so proud that someone from the DN actually got a photo job. Haha. As I am unaware of the official ISO rules (I left my rulebook in my car), I think that you found a great spot for some shadow photos.

*The first photo gives off kind of a dark tone with the shadows. I really like it. I think that a good shadow picture should do that. It makes the photo look as though something secretive is taking place.

*The second shot is good as well. The shadows hit her face nicely and compliment the first photo in what would be a really nice package.