Thursday, August 21, 2008

Henry Doorly Zoo

Best I can tell, Liz and Teresa tied at "Where You Stand" and Teresa won f.11. Sorry things haven't been running the smoothest, I'll start running things better after I get settled into my new place in Lincoln.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Los Retratos

For those of you who don't "habla espanol," los retratos is Spanish for (pause) the retratos!

and for those who haven't seen the el nino Chris Farley skit, disregard that whole sentence. Retrato means portrait.

I went to the Mason City Civil War Re-Enactment this weekend and had to produce a 3-5 minutes afterwards. I couldn't work overtime and my video camera had 20 minutes of juice because earlier in the week someone borrowed my charger without mentioning it. So that was fun. To make up for the lack of B-roll I could shoot I decided to shoot lots of portraits and details of the soldiers and then photoshop them to look like they were shot 150 years ago. So here are the best portraits from Saturday. You can see the video here:

It has some techincal difficulties and goes on a bit too long, but it's not bad.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Three Young Ladies

This is a photo of Courtney Ned as she performed her dance routine for the Miss Black OSU 2008. She was crowned not long after this performance.

This photo was taken at a Hispanic dance performance. The young lady was wating her turn to dance I just happend to catch her relaxing between the colums. I considered croping closer to her face but felt it was a more complete shot showing her entire costume.

The final young lady is my two year old neice playing with bubbles at the local fair where she got her face painted.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Should have tried shooting at this aperture before dusk, but oh well.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

My foot!

It's hard to get a sharp picture while running. I'm hoping to run the Omaha Half-Marathon in September. I need to step up the training, but I think I can do it.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Just to let you know...

Going back through the comments on the previous posts, I figure last week's "Postcards From" winner came to a tie between Brad and Teresa. Congrats. I'll keep a log of who wins and try to get a prize pack by the end of the year.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Erik Lockhart: Motion

I am currently in the middle of a vacation to the Dominican Republic. These pictures were taken in Higuey and Bavaro Beach respectively. The locals here are mostly very friendly, at least all of the cities surrounding the resorts have these sorts of people. Which is not surprising because tourism provides 75-80% of Dominica's GNP. Several have beamed at the opportunity for me to take their photograph, which makes my hobby much more enjoyable.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008


I'm in motion this week as I flit between three cities (St. Louis, Mason City, Omaha) with cars and vans full of all my stuff. Here's a shot from the last feature hunting I did for the Post-Dispatch. I met the Dickson family while driving through mid-town St. Louis. The adults had a loud conversation on the porch steps while the kids jumped rope, did flips and ran races across the yard. They were fun.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Michael Bevers: Motion

The first photo was from Texas Motor speedway where I got the chance to shoot from inside the track. The photo is of Dale Earnhardt Jr. as he enters turn 1.

The second is a family friend water skiing on Fort Gibson lake.

The third is of an iron working demonstration near the OSU campus. They were pouring molten iron into a sand mold.
The final photo is from the OSU campus where a couple of cheerleaders were jumping on a trampoline that was set up on the library lawn.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Meet Me in St. Louis

This statue was at the fair

well the original plaster model was, it was cast in bronze two years later in 1906.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Michael Higdon's shadows

It's funny that you guys picked this theme, I was going to suggest it. Here are some photos of The Indianapolis Star basement (former printing press) and some of my favorite shots of this area for a project I'm doing. The first and last one are bracketed composites. These were shot on a tripod with no additional lighting.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Greg Blobaum Shadows

so, a bit late, and with a sub par photo, but meh, so it goes. This is me being artsy, i usually do not do that.

EDIT: and CVK, i expect an entry from you this week. If not, i will track you down.

For those of you not on the email list (but, i think everyone is, unless i am mistaken), here is the email from Mr. Lomneth, at least the part that gives us the assignment. hooray!

"This week there will be two assignments:
-The theme is "postcards from..." - show us where you live, are temorarily living, go on a roadtrip to, etc.
-Get at least one other photog involved with ISO."

Friday, July 18, 2008

Clay Lomneth: Shadows


Sorry I'm late posting, long story.

First one is Jim McMahon from a celebrity golf tournament, second is a portrait of my friend Bridget.

I'll get a judge right away. Nice work everyone.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Erik Lockhart: Shadows

A self-portrait, a Liz portrait, and a bee portrait. I thought about using shots I had that utilized shadows as the main subject, but ultimately decided on these photos in which the shadows enhance the subject.

With this being my first post I'd like to give thanks to Clay for inviting me to this blog on the sole recommendation of Lizzy, why you'd listen to her, I don't know... ;) Anyways, I hope I'll be able to learn from this ISO experience and look forward to all of the great photos ahead of us.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


these photos are from Hartington, in Northeast Ne.

Teresa Prince - In the Shadows

I'm not sure this qualifies for the shootout. I shot these photos two weeks ago, but the story didn't run until last Friday. I'm not sure what the rules are for the shootout. I didn't have much time to shoot this week as I made an impromtu trip to Mason City, IA to interview for a job, I got it! Then I traveled to Bloomington, IL for my cousin's wedding. So this is the best contest entry you're going to get.

In St. Charles, Mo. a pastor's wife named Pat Merold decided that domestic abuse should not be shoved under the rug anymore. Some clergy have a tendency to tell women to work at being better wives and to avoid divorce because marriage is sacred. Merold and her husband deal with the issue differently. They started the Step Up program which gives battered women and their families a safe place to live and helps them find jobs and cars. It's a great program and the women I met who used their services were so grateful. They are away from the abuse and leading new lives thanks to Pat.

"They show the true meaning of Jesus, that's for sure," says a woman who left her husband years ago after he almost choked her son.

"I just love this place, and I can never repay them," another woman said.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008

Vanessa Skocz: Shadows

Consider this my first post to the Shoot Out.  I'm glad I finally had some spare time to be able to post.


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Guest Judge: Liz Margerum

I told her to be as honest as possible, and she pulled through. Long story short, nobody won. If you have a complaint, remember this whole thing is about feedback, and that's what we got. Here's her comments, sent via e-mail to me.

"While there were some really nice images I didn't see one that screamed America. The dog, the park and the fisherman could be anywhere. The cowboy was nice, but there was too much distortion on his head, he looked a little alien. (Watch out for those wide angles! Don't over use them)
The icecream truck didn't quite work. I wanted to see more of the truck and more of the kids. The little girl in the Liberty outfit, almost worked, but she was almost in the middle of the picture and it looked very posed, but not in great way. I liked the old people, but wish the fireworks were better in the background and I also wish they had a flag or something that said America. The park shot looks like a drive-by shoot, go over and work it more. It really had everything, dogs, kids, fire and cars-- all part of the American Dream, but shooting from across the street is little better than paparazzi! Go work it!
The photo of the man with the stars on his head, had too much of the back of one head, and I couldn't tell if they were hugging, or doing something else.
Overall I didn't see one clear winner.


Thank you Liz for being a guinea pig judge and for the feedback.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Greg Blobaum - America

Clay, if we want to keep with the ISO acronym, we could just call the blog the Intranational Shootout. Just a thought. But, it does not sound quite as cool.