Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Greg Blobaum - America

Clay, if we want to keep with the ISO acronym, we could just call the blog the Intranational Shootout. Just a thought. But, it does not sound quite as cool.


Teresa Prince said...

I like the fishing photo a lot. The other two seem to have color/toning issues. There's no black in them; they looked washed out.

cvk said...

that fireworks shot is sweet. i haven't ever seen anything like it. great idea.

Clay Lomneth said...

I do like that fireworks one, but I'd say the fishing one is my favorite. It almost looks like you used the Lensbaby.

As far as the "International" goes, Vanessa was invited to the shootout while she was in South Africa, but I suppose it can be changed now.

Greg blobaum said...

clay, i did use the lens baby.

MikeMan said...

your city seriously had that many fireworks? That's so much cooler than the fisherman.